Meet the owners

Rita Baker is the managing director and founder of LEC
I’ve been working in the field of language communication since 1970.
I graduated in French and Spanish (Exeter University), trained as a specialist EFL teacher (London University Institute of Education) and did a course in managing dyslexia (Aston University). I have taught, and trained teachers in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. My learners have ranged in age from 4 to 86! Since 1985 I have specialised in teaching English for Business and have run trainer courses for the Cert. IBET.
As a founder and director of this small training centre I am involved in every part of the operation, but my main passion is training innovation and development.
I have a particular interest in the psychology of language learning, individual learning styles, intercultural issues, pronunciation and accelerated learning techniques. I love to share this with other members of the profession through workshops and presentations at international conferences. I am the creator of the GlobalApproach™.
My interests, when I am not teaching, training or hosting our resident ‘students’, are singing, drama, and clothes design. I am a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, and I do some sailing and motor biking with Duncan. We both enjoy our family, especially our grandchildren.
If you have any questions about training or the origin of the GlobalApproach™ you can contact me on:

Duncan Baker is a founder of LEC, a senior trainer and general manager.
Working as a member of a small team means that I have several roles. My responsibilities include IT and property and vehicle maintenance.
My first career was as a submarine officer in the Royal Navy. In 1976 I joined the Diplomatic Service. I worked in Chancery in the British High Commision in Nairobi, Kenya, after which I studied Arabic before serving as Chargé d’Affaires in the British Embassy in Sana’a in the Yemen Arab Republic. I have a Master’s Degree (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) from the London University Institute of Education (1998). I am a Fellow of the RSA.
Rita and I founded Lydbury English Centre in 1985 and it has been our home ever since. We have 4 adult children and 8 grandchildren.
I have lots of interests. I love sailing and have certificates in ocean navigation and maritime bridge watchkeeping. I am a member of Shropshire and Staffordshire Blood Bikes - a voluntary organisation which transports blood, samples and other items from hospital to hospital without cost to the National Health Service. I also escort cycle races with the National Escort Group. I enjoy playing my bassoon in our local orchestra and have recently become interested in bird watching.
Please contact me on