Case Studies
Since we founded Lydbury English Centre in 1985, we have worked with over 6,000 adult language learners, including a wide variety of different personalities, cultures, and professional backgrounds.
Before we start a training course for anybody it is essential for us to analyse:
your personal learning style
your individual language needs
the specific context/s for which you wish to develop your professional and social communication skills
One thing all our participants have in common is that they are extremely busy and have very little time. Is this your situation too?
Great - this is the best place to come!
Most of our participants need a boost in confidence, often because they have suddenly found themselves in a new situation; this could be that:
perhaps you have been moved to a new job in the same company
perhaps you are looking for a new job in a new company and need to prepare for interviews
perhaps you have an important presentation to give
perhaps you have to take part in an important negotiation
Here are some examples of people we have worked with, and who have achieved absolute success following a course at Lydbury.

Enrique came to us as a complete beginner with a time-sensitive need to understand native English speakers. We helped him use “Gist Listening” (amongst other techniques) to make the most of his limited time with us. He’s now a fluent English speaker!
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Kim’s English was perfect, but his RAF trainers felt he was failing his course due to language issues. We helped Kim overcome the stark cultural differences through immersive study and exposure to students with very different backgrounds, ultimately helping him to thrive & excel.
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André & Shoji
We assisted André & Shoji in not only their linguistic development, but also learning to read body language, cultural cues, and recognise different types of learner.
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Albert’s level of English was already very high, but we helped him to refine his presentation through yet another example of our totally bespoke solutions.
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Turkey’s favourite footballer needed some English coaching. We collaborated with a local school to establish where his weaknesses lay, helped Mehmet improve his communication, and some local children improved their football skills!
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We not only helped Jessica to improve her professional English, we also coached her in accelerated learning techniques, to assist in preparing her for the intensive training sessions that she would be providing.
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We helped Heinz to successfully re-negotiate a tricky contract using a combination of communicative analysis, negotiation strategy, and simulated scenarios. Apparently our trainers are competitively tough negotiators!
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Miklos came to us for training on several occasions – we collaborated with him to devise a suitable simulation for an important upcoming negotiation, provided some valuable consultancy, and helped improve his grammar through application of the GlobalApproach™
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Carlos not only needed to improve his comprehension and pronounciation, he also needed a bit of cheering up! We helped him with all of these things, and assisted him in getting a promotion.
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Giuseppe felt he needed to improve his language to be better at chairing meetings – we helped him to discover a more democratic approach through simulation and discussion.
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Through a client-led simulation and subsequent analysis, we were able to assist Georg in adjusting the tone of his English communication, enabling an amicable relationship with his main business contact.
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